I found your blog through iwebunlimited. I typically visit his site for ideas and help. I was wondering if you know of a program that will cleanup your iweb site? I have used webcrusher before and don’t really know if it helped or not. I know that iweb sites typically load slower and I was figuring if you cleaned up the code it should load faster.
I use web crusher myself. I would also recommend turning off optimize images in iWeb. It’s under preferences I believe iWeb likes to turn everything into png’s. The other thing I have started to do within the last year or so is to size the images to the the actual size i want before bringing them into iWeb. I use Photoshop to do this but, it could also be done with preview.
Hi Jeff
What is the reason you did use WordPress when iWeb is the issue? I am just curious.
I have the ability to use iWeb or WordPress and after have seen your fantastic site, I was searching for WordPress themes fitting our needs. Not easy to find a combined blog and website for our Institute. We have education and therapy, and we like to communicate with people outside – clients and new students. At the same time We like to have a hidden blog with logon for every class with the newest photo We have taken in the classroom. (In humanistic psychology class a important factor i.e. What did we do last week and how and who…? ) and a area with podcast for each class different depending on the progress. Podcast from the old masters combined with the stuff they learn at the moment… Next week new Podcast etc.
This requires different passwords for different sites and blogs.
We use Apple Computers / Server and are able to host a iWebsite on our own server. Until a couple a years ago we have windows based Computers and now a total shift is necessary, to prevent any other cross platform problems. Now is the choice between iWeb or WordPress.
What will you suggest in our situation? What will you have chosen? Did you stumble over some flexible sites we can form to our purpose?
To be quite honest I haven’t delved to deep into wordpress, & I am still using iWeb to layout websites. Things that I have noticed when using wordpress is that the blogs tend to be crawled quite frequently resulting in more traffic “at least I have experienced that any way”.
I am sticking with iWeb for the moment simply because it allows me to layout a website in manner similar to laying out a brochure in a page layout program. Now, Adobe has a similar app coming out that is in beta testing now.
On your sit is an fantastic slideshow. Which theme /widget did you use? And where did you find the icons for Facebook, Youtube etc. The best I have seen ever. Perhaps you like to share here or write to my email address.
I was looking at many WordPress sites and templates, the last couple of days but non of them looks interesting to me. There is a cold and minimalistic style, right now, all over the Worldpress world.
The people are surrounded by minimalistic furniture and kitchen and the house looks like a crematory or high-tec factory. And this seems to be reflected on web… Why?
So many divorce after short time, people feel uncomfortable at home, unconscious, but express them self also on minimalistic, for me cold websites.
The Norwegians are typical outdoor hiking people. The nature isn’t minimalistic og hightech like that. Something strange happen on WordPress.
In our Praxis we do the opposite. Make the rooms warm and balanced. People who coming, are immediately in a better mood and feel comfortable and don’t like to leave again. But they don’t see any connection to their clean, cold hightec world at home….
We like to find or create a Website reflecting the warm atmosphere in our rooms. Did you ever see a template like this,
or is iWeb the best solution for us?
As far as the social media icons you can do a google search that should bring up quite a few.
The slideshow on my home page was done with nivoslider which was a bit of a chore to get to work in iWeb but, I have just found another slideshow called wowslider that is far easier for less code savy individuals “me included”. The slideshow is then placed into iWeb using a HTML snippet.
I haven’t spent to much time looking through the themes for wordpress but, you can change the backgrounds & images
Here is a link to one that I have been playing with for a vacation rental in Maui for my landlord
Thank you. Nice spot on Hawaii. I did see now the different when a slideshow is without mirror. The magic is gone. From 3D experience to flat 2D.
Thanks, I appreciate your quick response. I think iWeb with HTML snippet will solve or satisfy my requirements. In this case, no WordPress…
There are a handful of different transitions for wowslider. If you google it there is a free download to play with it. It puts a wowslider logo and link back to there site on the slideshow I think the full version was less than $70 US
I found the wowslider and is about $39 for schools and non-profit org. like us. Else $49. Did install on iMac and works perfect.
Thanks again.
I still not able to find the slideshow for your Photo’s from Tubbs Hill, you show on your site. I did find the other elements now and I can start to implement everything, I think a nice Website should include in 2011.
Your Site is the one who was pretty close on several points, but you have a different purpose and message and different needs. For me are our students and support to their study in the center.
I’m grateful for your help. Make the site much more fun.
As a former IT Eng. it is more fun to create my own site anyway. It’s just the lack of time make’s me use shortcuts.
WordPress have to wait until another time… 😉
By the way Tubbs Hill looks very familiar – it’a the typical Norwegian Nature and perhaps on the same Latitude where I live.
We had someone set up our site and they used iweb. On a MAC it looks great, but on a PC there is overlapping copy on page one and double images on all other pages. The iweb user does not know hot to fix the PC view problems. Any suggestions?
hi am working on a website using iweb. I would like to change the color of the buttons
(the font color) is that possible? Also is the code used for iweb viewable/changeable?
Thanks very much
Help! I am still using Snow Leopard. I have moved my iWeb site from MobileMe to another host. Will I be able to continue using iWeb if I change to Lion? If yes, are there any major issues? I am a novice as far as website building is concerned. I am planning on moving on to Lion soon but wanted to know about keeping iWeb. I have been looking at Sandvox & other web building apps. However, would rather stick with iWeb for awhile longer, if possible.
Hi Jeff,
My current website is not an iWeb site, but I am creating one in iWeb. I started it several months ago and am now going back and revising it, so that I can pubish it. Some of my changes are not “saving”, though I am hitting “save” both on the keyboard and under the File menu. They appear to be “saved”, then when I go back to check things in a few minutes, the old version is back in place. (I am replacing my logo with a new one, and the old one keeps reappearing.) Can you think of what I may need to do to totally delete the old logo, so that the new one will stay there? It works on some pages, but not on others!
Thanks SO much!
I found your blog through iwebunlimited. I typically visit his site for ideas and help. I was wondering if you know of a program that will cleanup your iweb site? I have used webcrusher before and don’t really know if it helped or not. I know that iweb sites typically load slower and I was figuring if you cleaned up the code it should load faster.
I use web crusher myself. I would also recommend turning off optimize images in iWeb. It’s under preferences I believe iWeb likes to turn everything into png’s. The other thing I have started to do within the last year or so is to size the images to the the actual size i want before bringing them into iWeb. I use Photoshop to do this but, it could also be done with preview.
Jeff Nitschke
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Jeff
What is the reason you did use WordPress when iWeb is the issue? I am just curious.
I have the ability to use iWeb or WordPress and after have seen your fantastic site, I was searching for WordPress themes fitting our needs. Not easy to find a combined blog and website for our Institute. We have education and therapy, and we like to communicate with people outside – clients and new students. At the same time We like to have a hidden blog with logon for every class with the newest photo We have taken in the classroom. (In humanistic psychology class a important factor i.e. What did we do last week and how and who…? ) and a area with podcast for each class different depending on the progress. Podcast from the old masters combined with the stuff they learn at the moment… Next week new Podcast etc.
This requires different passwords for different sites and blogs.
We use Apple Computers / Server and are able to host a iWebsite on our own server. Until a couple a years ago we have windows based Computers and now a total shift is necessary, to prevent any other cross platform problems. Now is the choice between iWeb or WordPress.
What will you suggest in our situation? What will you have chosen? Did you stumble over some flexible sites we can form to our purpose?
To be quite honest I haven’t delved to deep into wordpress, & I am still using iWeb to layout websites. Things that I have noticed when using wordpress is that the blogs tend to be crawled quite frequently resulting in more traffic “at least I have experienced that any way”.
I am sticking with iWeb for the moment simply because it allows me to layout a website in manner similar to laying out a brochure in a page layout program. Now, Adobe has a similar app coming out that is in beta testing now.
On your sit is an fantastic slideshow. Which theme /widget did you use? And where did you find the icons for Facebook, Youtube etc. The best I have seen ever. Perhaps you like to share here or write to my email address.
I was looking at many WordPress sites and templates, the last couple of days but non of them looks interesting to me. There is a cold and minimalistic style, right now, all over the Worldpress world.
The people are surrounded by minimalistic furniture and kitchen and the house looks like a crematory or high-tec factory. And this seems to be reflected on web… Why?
So many divorce after short time, people feel uncomfortable at home, unconscious, but express them self also on minimalistic, for me cold websites.
The Norwegians are typical outdoor hiking people. The nature isn’t minimalistic og hightech like that. Something strange happen on WordPress.
In our Praxis we do the opposite. Make the rooms warm and balanced. People who coming, are immediately in a better mood and feel comfortable and don’t like to leave again. But they don’t see any connection to their clean, cold hightec world at home….
We like to find or create a Website reflecting the warm atmosphere in our rooms. Did you ever see a template like this,
or is iWeb the best solution for us?
Kindest regards from Norway
As far as the social media icons you can do a google search that should bring up quite a few.
The slideshow on my home page was done with nivoslider which was a bit of a chore to get to work in iWeb but, I have just found another slideshow called wowslider that is far easier for less code savy individuals “me included”. The slideshow is then placed into iWeb using a HTML snippet.
I haven’t spent to much time looking through the themes for wordpress but, you can change the backgrounds & images
Here is a link to one that I have been playing with for a vacation rental in Maui for my landlord
It also is using the wowslider & is still under construction
Thank you. Nice spot on Hawaii. I did see now the different when a slideshow is without mirror. The magic is gone. From 3D experience to flat 2D.
Thanks, I appreciate your quick response. I think iWeb with HTML snippet will solve or satisfy my requirements. In this case, no WordPress…
There are a handful of different transitions for wowslider. If you google it there is a free download to play with it. It puts a wowslider logo and link back to there site on the slideshow I think the full version was less than $70 US
I found the wowslider and is about $39 for schools and non-profit org. like us. Else $49. Did install on iMac and works perfect.
Thanks again.
I still not able to find the slideshow for your Photo’s from Tubbs Hill, you show on your site. I did find the other elements now and I can start to implement everything, I think a nice Website should include in 2011.
Your Site is the one who was pretty close on several points, but you have a different purpose and message and different needs. For me are our students and support to their study in the center.
I’m grateful for your help. Make the site much more fun.
As a former IT Eng. it is more fun to create my own site anyway. It’s just the lack of time make’s me use shortcuts.
WordPress have to wait until another time… 😉
By the way Tubbs Hill looks very familiar – it’a the typical Norwegian Nature and perhaps on the same Latitude where I live.
Ups, embarrassing – no more questions. iWebs own slideshow right in front of me – never saw this before now. Anyway thanks
You can copy & paste elements out of the pre-built pages that apple provides.
Tubb’s Hill is located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
The latitude and longitude of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho is:
47° 40′ 40″ N / 116° 46′ 50″ W
We had someone set up our site and they used iweb. On a MAC it looks great, but on a PC there is overlapping copy on page one and double images on all other pages. The iweb user does not know hot to fix the PC view problems. Any suggestions?
hi am working on a website using iweb. I would like to change the color of the buttons
(the font color) is that possible? Also is the code used for iweb viewable/changeable?
Thanks very much
Help! I am still using Snow Leopard. I have moved my iWeb site from MobileMe to another host. Will I be able to continue using iWeb if I change to Lion? If yes, are there any major issues? I am a novice as far as website building is concerned. I am planning on moving on to Lion soon but wanted to know about keeping iWeb. I have been looking at Sandvox & other web building apps. However, would rather stick with iWeb for awhile longer, if possible.
Thanks for any help you can give,
Hi Jeff,
My current website is not an iWeb site, but I am creating one in iWeb. I started it several months ago and am now going back and revising it, so that I can pubish it. Some of my changes are not “saving”, though I am hitting “save” both on the keyboard and under the File menu. They appear to be “saved”, then when I go back to check things in a few minutes, the old version is back in place. (I am replacing my logo with a new one, and the old one keeps reappearing.) Can you think of what I may need to do to totally delete the old logo, so that the new one will stay there? It works on some pages, but not on others!
Thanks SO much!