iWeb in lion doesnt like multiple iWeb domains
I had split my original iWeb domain a few years ago & had got into the habit of creating a new domain for each site I design. However, after updating to OS X Lion “10.7” no matter which domain I double click on they all seem to just open the last site I was working on in Snow Leopard “10.6.8”
I will let you know if I find a work around but, if any one else has the answer I would be very grateful.
* update *
Here is a helper app to choose a domain file:
Is it possible to hold down the option key when launching iWeb to select the domain you want to open? Or move only the domain you want to the Library > Application Support > iWeb folder.
Just gave the option key a try: no luck
Lion has hidden that portion of the finder as far as getting into the library
Found an article on how to access the library in lion. Would have been nice if apple would have provided a users manual:
In OS X, user accounts are structured so that most user settings and resources that applications need are located in the Library folder. As a result, when troubleshooting various problems with settings and applications you may be able to fix the problem by changing something in this folder. In versions of OS X prior to OS X 10.7 the Library folder was readily accessible in the user’s Home directory, but upon upgrading to Lion people are finding the Library folder appears to be missing.
The Library folder is in fact just hidden from view by default in Lion, instead of being available to easily browse through. While this may make troubleshooting some aspects of the system a little more cumbersome, it does make some sense given that most people will likely not access this folder on a regular basis (though if that’s the idea, I’m surprised that the System and global Library folders still remain visible).
Apple has not made any changes to the Library folder, but instead has just made use of the Finder’s “hidden” flag to block it from view. Therefore, to access the Library you have three options available to you:
The Library can be revealed in the Finder’s Go menu by pressing the Option key.
Permanently unhide it Since the Library folder is just hidden with a Finder flag, you can undo this flag to make it visible again. To do this, open the Terminal utility and run the following command:
chflags nohidden ~/Library
After running this command the Library should become immediately available, without the need to reboot the system or log out and log back in.
Use the Finder’s “Go to Folder” feature As with accessing any hidden folder in the Finder, you can use the Finder’s “Go to Folder” feature by selecting it from the Go menu or by pressing Shift-Command-G with the Finder in focus. In the resulting window, type “~/Library” in the field and click Go to open the Library folder.
[li]Option-Go to the folder
The last option is new in Lion, and coincides with Lion’s default hiding of the Library folder, making it much easier to access than using the “Go to Folder” option, and nearly as easy as revealing it in the Finder. All you have to do is click the Go menu and press the Option key to make the user’s Library show up in the menu, and selecting it will open it in the Finder. Unfortunately there is no hot-key combination for the library, but for most intents and purposes this option will make the Library perfectly accessible.
Thankyou very much. You solved my problem in less than one minute! -I’ve spent over an hour on the net, countless “Scripts” downloadable apps etc, and all I needed to do was:
“The Library can be revealed in the Finder’s Go menu by pressing the Option key.”
IMPORTANT: And for other users, once I had found the Library folder, I dragged it over to the left hand side menu bar in finder. Now it is permanently there!
Thankyou very much once again!
David. P.
A special thanks to Cyclosaurus in the Apple Support Communities for this post:
It worked for me.
i posted this long time ago:
revised for newer osx:
1) launch AppleScript Editor.app , it’s in /Utilities folder
2) copy the following into AppleScript Editor window:
do shell script “/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.iWeb iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no”
delay 1
tell application “iWeb” to activate
3) select menu bar –> File –> Save as… (give it a name)
4) at File Format popup menu, select –> Application
5) make sure Options: Startup Screen is unchecked
6) click Save button
Next time, instead of launch iweb, you just launch this new app.
I’d been doing this since iweb1.1.
Try this.Put it in the apps folder and put a link on the dock. instead of clicking iweb click this. Hope it helps.
Scott Roberts
Pair Training
Yup, this looks like the actual script that I just made with the above directions from the Apple Forums. I have mine on my desktop.
I have an application that takes care of the problem with iWeb re-opening the same domain in Lion. This app will launch iWeb and will bring up the window that allows you to choose the domain you want to open, if you saved them as separate iWeb domain files. send me an email and I’ll send it. It is only about 432kb in size
This script causes images and other placed files to disappear in my projects. Anybody else having this problem?
I have not ran into that which script are you using? I just published 2 sites today with no issues “first 2 in lion”
I created my own script with the directions from above
I noticed you can also move the domain file that was last loaded to another location. When you load iWeb the next time, it will ask to create a new domain file or load an existing one. Then, you can choose whatever domain file you want. Still, it’s a bit annoying to move the files around.
Also, I have experienced the missing images issue. More than half of my images are missing on my iWeb pages. Anyone found a solution for this because I do not want to go through the hassle of rebuilding all my pages!
I haven’t experienced this issue with the images. I would suggest trying that question at the apple disscussion boards. I am guessing that it has something to do with a “.plist” file being messed up in either iPhoto or iWeb
downloaded the iWeb multi domain app from scott’s post above. i’d love some instructions as to how to set it up so i can continue to run several iWeb websites by opening them seperately for editing and whatnot please.
i’m faced with a dialog that asks me to choose a domain when i open it for the first time. does this happen every time? i just choose the domain i want to edit on opening? that would be a pretty nifty trick.
That’s it you simply choose the domain you wish to work on. iWeb automatically defaults to the last domain file opened
Just tried this. THANK YOU. Any word on a real fix?
Copying and pasting that script in the AppleScript Editor didn’t work. Gave me an error message about “given” “to” etc. Any ideas?
Thanks for the tip, you save my day
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Hi Jeff Nitschke
This script is great! Works as a charm!
Thanks for the information.
I have 2 sites going (my own and my school district’s), both stored on Dropbox so I can work on them on my laptop and desktop Macs.
The last one I worked on was the district’s so no matter which domain.sites I clicked on the district one opened.
Installed your app…..
Wow…thought it was going to work great since it opened my personal site just like pre-Lion.
However, it now opens both district and personal iWeb windows and then I have to close the district one, the iWeb crashes.
Any ideas???? Help!
Good evening Bill,
I have not experienced this problem. Did you possibly have iWeb open prior to launching this little helper App?
PS….actually get 3 iWeb windows…the District’s, my personal one, and a blank one.
Your Multiple Domains iWeb App works for me. Thanks so much. I have no idea why iWeb support ended, and why it an iPhoto can’t live with file management (Open…) as other apps do.